Healing is not linear

There’s a huge misconception around what healing and therapy looks like. We expect to go in for a few sessions, talk about what’s going on, and then we’re good to go. Nope. The reality is, therapy is hard work. It forces us to look in the mirror and face what we’ve been avoiding - all the messy thoughts, feelings, situations causing us pain. One thing that I always say to my clients is that healing is not linear.

You’ll have ups and downs, and sometimes it may feel like you’re stuck or just going around in circles. As you go through therapy, you’ll have sessions that leave you feeling great, and then sessions that’ll make you have more questions than when you walk in - and that’s okay! This happens because you’re talking about what’s been bothering you, you’re allowing yourself to be vulnerable and have all the feels, and because (unfortunately) life doesn’t stop while we go to therapy. What I mean by that is, sometimes there are triggers and situations that we have no control over, and that can effect our healing process. HOWEVER, what this also means is that, as you continue on your journey of healing, these situations become less and less triggering, and you’ll feel more and more confident as you prove to yourself that you can manage whatever life throws your way.

Going through the healing process can be tough, but it’s definitely worth it.